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Terms in Psychology O | [100%] Sucess in Competitive Exam

Terms in Psychology O

Terms in psychology will be discussed in this article which is also namely as Terminology of Psychology.


You can your relevant terms which are used in Psychology and starts with character O by reviewing the whole article.

Object Permanence | What is Object Permanence?

The recognition that objects exist independently of an individual's action or awareness; an important cognitive acquisition of infancy.

Object Relations Theory | What is Object Relations Theory?

Psychoanalytical Theory that originated with Melanie Klein's view that the building blocks of how people experience the world emerge from their relations to loved and hated objects (significant people in their lives).

Observational Learning | What is Observational Learning?

The process of learning new responses by watching the behavior of another.

Observer Bias | What is Observer Bias?

The distortion of evidence because of the personal motives and expectations of the viewer.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

A mental disorder characterized by obsessions-recurrent thoughts, images or impulses that recur or persist despite efforts to suppress then-and compulsions-repetitive, purposeful acts performed according to certain rules or in a ritualized manner.

Occipital Lobe | What is Occipital Lobe?

Rearmost region of the brain; contains primary visual cortex.

Olfactory Bulb | What is Olfactory Bulb?

The center where odor-sensitive receptors send their signals, located just below the frontal lobes of the cortex.

Operant Behavior | What is Operant Behavior?

Behavior emitted by an organism that can be characterized in terms of the observable effects it has on the environment.

Operant Conditioning | What is Operant Conditioning?

Learning in which the probability of a response is changed by a change in its consequences.

Operant Extinction | What is Operant Extinction?

When a behavior no longer produces predictable consequences, its return to the level of occurrence it had before operant conditioning.

Operational Definition | What is Operational Definition? | What is Operational Definition in Psychology?

A definition of a variable or condition in terms of the specific operation or procedure used to determine its presence.

Opponent-Process Theory | What is Opponent-Process Theory?

The theory that all color experiences arise from three systems, each of which includes two "opponent" elements (red versus green, blue versus yellow, and black versus white).

Optic Nerve | What is Optic Nerve?

The axons of the ganglion cells that carry information from the eye toward the brain.

Organismic Variables | What is Organismic Variables?

The inner determinants of an organism's behavior.

Organizational Psychologists | What is Organizational Psychologists?

Psychologists who study various aspects of the human work environment, such as communication among employees, socialization or enculturation of workers, leadership, job satisfaction, stress and burnout, and overall quality of life.

Orientation Constancy | What is Orientation Constancy?

The ability to perceive the actual orientation of objects in the real world despite their varying orientation in the retinal image.

Out-Groups | What is Out-Groups? | What is Out-Groups in Psychology?

The groups with which people do not identify.

Over-Regularization | What is Over-Regularization in Psychology?

A grammatical error, usually appearing during early language development, in which rules of the language are applied too widely, resulting in incorrect linguistic forms.

Conclusion | Terms in Psychology

Terms of Psychology are discussed in above article starts with O for [100%] Success in Competitive Exams for Higher Posts in Government Departments.

Terms in Psychology M & N


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