Terms in Psychology M & N [Updated 2024] | [100%] Success in Competitive Exams

Terms in Psychology M and N

Terms in Psychology will be discussed in this article which is also namely as Terminology of Psychology.

You can find your relevant terms which are used in Psychology and starts with character M & N by reviewing the whole article.

Terms in Psychology with M

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) | What is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)?

A technique for the brain imaging that scans the brain using magnetic fields and radio waves.

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) | What is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)?

A mood disorder characterized by intense feelings of depression over an extended time, without the manic high phase of bipolar depression.

Manic Episode | What is Manic Episode in Psychology?

A component of bipolar disorder characterized by periods of extreme elation, unbounded euphoria without sufficient reason, and grandiose thoughts of feelings about personal abilities.

Manifest Content | What is Manifest Content in Psychology?

In Freudian dream analysis, the surface content of a dream, which is assumed to mask the dream's actual meaning.

Maturation | What is Maturation in Psychology?

The continuing influence of heredity throughout development; the age related physical and behavioral changes characteristics of species.

Mean | What is Mean in Psychology?

The arithmetic average of a group of scores; the most commonly used measure of central tendency.

Measure of Central Tendency | What is Measure of Central Tendency in Psychology?

A statistic, such as mean, median and mode, that provides one score as representative of a set of observations.

Measure of Variability | What is Measure of Variability in Psychology?

A statistic, such as range and standard deviation, that indicates how tightly the score in a set of observations together.

Median | What is Median in Psychology?

The score in a distribution above and below which lie 50 percent of the another scores; a measure of central tendency.

Meditation | What is Meditation in Psychology?

A form of consciousness alteration designed to enhance self-knowledge and well-being through reduced self-awareness.

Medulla | What is Medulla in Psychology?

The region of the brain stem that regulates breathing, waking and heartbeat.

Memory | What is Memory in Psychology?

The mental capacity to encode, store and retrieve information.

Menarche | What is Menarche?

The onset of menstruation.

Mental Age | What is Mental Age?

In Stanford Binet's measure of intelligence, the age at which a child is performing intellectually, expressed in terms of the average "age at which normal children achieve a particular score.

Mental Retardation | What is Mental Retardation?

Condition in which individuals have IQ scores 70 to 75 or below and also demonstrate limitations in the ability to bring adaptive skills to bear on life tasks.

Mental Set | What is Mental Set?

The tendency to respond to a new problem in the manner used to respond to a previous problem.

Meta-Analysis | What is Meta-Analysis in Psychology?

A statistical technique for evaluating hypotheses by providing a formal mechanism for detecting the general conclusions found in data from many different experiments.

Meta-Memory | What is Meta-Memory in Psychology?

Implicit or explicit knowledge about memory abilities and effective memory strategies; cognition about memory.

Mnemonics | What is Mnemonics in Psychology?

Strategies or devices that use familiar information during the encoding of new information to enhance subsequent access to the information in memory. 

Mode | What is Mode in Psychology?

The score appearing most frequently in a set of observations; a measure of central tendency. 

Mood Disorder | What is Mood Disorder?

A mood disturbance such as severe depression or depression alternating with mania. 

Morality | What is Morality in Psychology?

A system of beliefs.and values that ensures that individuals will keep their obligations to others in society and will behave in ways that do not interfere with the rights and interests of others. 

Motivation | What is Motivation in Psychology?

The process of starting, directing, and maintaining physical and psychological activities; includes mechanisms involved in preferences for one activity over another and the vigor and persistence of responses. 

Motor Cortex | What is Motor Cortex in Psychology?

The region of the cerebral cortex that controls the action of the body's voluntary muscles. 

Motor Neurons | What is Motor Neurons in Psychology?

The neurons that carry messages away from the central nervous system toward the muscles and glands.

Terms in Psychology with N

Narcolepsy | What is Narcolepsy in Psychology?

A sleep disorder characterized by an irresistible compulsion to sleep during the daytime. 

Natural Selection | What is Natural Selection in Psychology?

Darwin's theory that favorable adaptations to features of the environment allow some members of a species to reproduce more successfully than others. 

Nature-Nurture Controversy | What is Nature-Nurture Controversy in Psychology?

The debate concerning the relative importance of heredity (nature) and learning or experience (nurture) m determining development and behavior. 

Need for Achievement (n Ach) | What is Need for Achievement (n Ach) in Psychology?

An assumed basic human need to strive for achievement of goals that motivates a wide range of behavior and thinking. 

Negative Punishment | What is Negative Punishment in Psychology?

A behavior is followed by the removal of an appetitive stimulus, decreasing the probability of that behavior.

Negative Reinforcement | What is Negative Punishment in Psychology?

A behavior is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus, increasing the probability of that behavior.

Neuro-Modulator | What is Neuro-Modulator in Psychology?

Any substance that modifies or modulates the activities of the postsynaptic neuron. 

Neuron | What is Neuron in Psychology?

A cell in the nervous system specialized to receive, process and/ or transmit information to other cells. 

Neuropathic Pain  | What is Neuro-pathic Pain in Psychology?

Pain caused by abnormal functioning or over-activity of nerves; it results from injury or disease of nerves. 

Neuroscience | What is Neuroscience in Psychology?

The scientific study of the brain and of the links between brain activity and behavior. 

Neurotic Disorders | What is Neurotic Disorders in Psychology?

Mental disorders in which a person does not have signs of brain abnormalities and does not display grossly irrational thinking or violate basic norms. But does experience subjective distress; a category dropped from DSM-III. 

Neurotransmitters | What is Neurotransmitters in Psychology?

Chemical messengers released from neurons that cross the synapse from one neuron to another, stimulating the postsynaptic neuron. 

Nociceptive Pain | What is Nociceptive Pain in Psychology?

Nociceptive Pain induced by a noxious external stimulus; specialized nerve endings in the skin, send this pain message from the skin, through the spinal chord, into the brain. 

Non-Conscious | What is Non-Conscious in Psychology?

Information not typically available to consciousness or memory. 

Non-REM (NREM) Sleep | What is Non-REM (NREM) Sleep in Psychology?

The period during which a sleeper does not show rapid eye movement; characterized by less dream activity than REM sleep. 

Norm Crystallization | What is Norm Crystallization in Psychology?

The convergence of the expectations of a group of individuals into a common perspective as they talk and carry out activities together. 

Normal Curve | What is Normal Curve in Psychology?

The symmetrical curve that represents the distribution of scores on many psychological attributes; allows researchers to make judgments of how unusual an observation or result is. 

Normative Influence | What is Normative Influence in Psychology?

Group effects that arise from individual's desire to be liked, accepted, and approved of by others. 

Normative Investigations | What is Normative Investigations in Psychology?

Research efforts designed to describe what is characteristic of a specific age or developmental stage. 

Norms | What is Norms in Psychology?

Standards based on measurements of a large group of people; used for comparing the scores of an individual with those of others within a well-defined group.

Conclusion | Terms in Psychology

Terms of Psychology are discussed in above article starts with M & N for [100%] Success in Competitive Exams for Higher Posts in Government Departments.

Terms in Psychology starts with J, K & L


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