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Terms in Psychology J, K and L

Terms in Psychology J, K and L

Terms in Psychology will be discussed in this article which is also namely as Terminology of Psychology. 

You can find your relevant terms which are used in Psychology and starts with character J, K and L by reviewing the whole article.


Terms in Psychology J

James-Lange Theory of Emotion | What is James-Lange Theory of Emotions?

A peripheral feedback theory of emotion stating that an eliciting stimulus triggers a behavioral response that sends different sensory and motor feedback to the brain and creates the feeling of a specific emotion.

Jigsaw Classrooms | What are Jigsaw Classrooms?

Classrooms that use a technique known as jigsawing, in which each pupil is given part of the total material to master and then share with other group members.

Job Burnout | What is Job Burnout? | What is Job Burnout in Psychology?

The syndrome of emotional exhaustion, de-personalization and reduced personal accomplishment, often experienced by workers in high-stress jobs.

Judgment | What is Judgment? | What is Judgment in Psychology?

The process by which people form opinions, reach conclusions, and make critical evaluations of events and people based on available material; also, the product of that mental activity.

Just Noticeable Difference (JND) | What is Just Noticeable Difference? | What is JND in Psychology?

The smallest difference between two sensations that allows them to be discriminated.

Terms in Psychology K

Kinesthetic Sense | What is Kinesthetic Sense in Psychology?

Sense concerned with bodily position and movement of the body parts relative to each other.

Terms in Psychology L

Language-Making Capacity | What is Language Making Capacity? | What is Language Making Capacity in Psychology?

The innate guidelines or operating principles that children bring to the task of learning a language.

Language Production | What is Language Production | What is Language Production in Psychology?

What people say, sign and write, as well as the process they go through to produce these messages.

Latent Content | What is Latent Content? | What is Latent Content in Psychology?

In Freudian dream analysis, the hidden meaning of a dream.

Law of Common Fate | What is Law of Common Fate? | What is Law of Common Fate in Psychology?

A law of grouping that states that elements moving in the same direction at the same rate are grouped together.

Law of Effect | What is Law of Effect? | What is Law of Effect in Psychology?

A basic law of learning that states that the power of a stimulus to evoke a response is strengthened when the response is followed by a reward and weakened when it is not followed by a reward.

Law of Proximity | What is Law of Proximity? | What is Law of Proximity in Psychology?

A law of grouping that states, the nearest of most proximal, elements are grouped together.

Law of Similarity| What is Law of Similarity? | What is Law of Similarity in Psychology?

A law of grouping that states, the most similar elements are grouped together.

Learned Helplessness | What is Learned Helplessness? | What is Learned Helplessness in Psychology?

A general pattern of non-responding in the presence of noxious stimuli that often follows after and organism has previously experienced non-contingent, inescapable averse stimuli.

Learning | What is Learning? | What is Learning in Psychology?

A process based on experience that results in a relatively permanent change in behavior or behavioral potential.

A permanent change in behavior is called learning.

Learning Performance Distinction | What is Learning Performance Distinction? | What is Learning Performance Distinction in Psychology?

The difference between what has been learned and what is expressed in overt behavior.

Lesions | What is Lesions? | What is Lesions in Psychology?

Injuries to or destruction of brain tissues is called lesions.

Levels of Processing Theory | What are Levels of Processing Theory? | What are Levels of Processing Theory in Psychology?

A theory suggests, that the deeper the level at which information was processed, the more likely it is to be retained in memory.

Libido | What is Libido? | What is Libido in Psychology?

The psychic energy that drives individuals toward sensual pleasures of all types, especially sexual ones.

Life-Change Units (LCUs) | What are Life-Change Units (LCUs)? | What are Life-Change Units (LCUs) in Psychology?

In stress research, the measure of the stress levels of different types of change, experienced during a given period.

Lightness Constancy | What is Lightness Constancy? | What is Lightness Constancy in Psychology?

The tendency to perceive the whiteness, grayness or blackness of objects as constant across changing levels of illumination.

Limbic System | What is Limbic System? | What is Limbic System in Psychology?

The region of the brain that regulates emotional behavior, basic motivational urges and memory, as well as major physiological functions.

Longitudinal Design | What is Longitudinal Design? | What is Longitudinal Design in Psychology?

A research design in which the same participants are observed repeatedly, sometimes over many years.

Long Term Memory (LTM) | What is Long Term Memory (LTM)? | What is Long Term Memory (LTM) in Psychology?

Memory processes associated with the preservation of information for retrieval at any later time.

Loudness | What is Loudness? | What is Loudness in Psychology?

A perceptual dimension of sound influenced by the amplitude of a sound waves; sound waves with large amplitudes are generally experienced as loud and those with small amplitudes as soft.

Lucid Dreaming | What is Lucid Dreaming? | What is Lucid Dreaming in Psychology?

The theory that conscious awareness of dreaming is a learnable skill, that enables dreams to control the direction and content of their dreams.

Conclusion | Terms Terms of Psychology

Terms of Psychology are discussed in above article starts with J, K and L for [100%] Success in Competitive Exams for Higher Posts in Government Departments.

Terms in Psychology Starts With I


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