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Terms in Psychology G and H | Updated 2024

Terms in Psychology will be discussed in this article which is also named as Terminology of Psychology. You can find your relevant terms that are used in Psychology and start with character G and H by reviewing the whole article.

Terms and Definitions starts with G and H in Psychology

According to Spearman, the factor of general intelligence underlying all intelligent performance.

Ganglion Cells | What is Ganglion Cells

Cells in the visual system that integrates impulses from many bipolar cells in a single firing rate.

Gate Control Theory | What is Gate Control Theory

A theory about pain modulation that proposes that certain cells in the spinal cord act as gates to interrupt and block some pain signals while sending others on to the brain.

Gender | What is Gender

A psychological phenomenon that refers to learned sex-related behaviors and attitudes of males and females.

Gender Identity | What is Gender Identity

One's sense of maleness or femaleness; usually includes awareness and acceptance of one's biological sex.

Gender Roles | What is Gender Roles

Sets of behavior' and attitudes associated by society with being male or female and expressed publicly by the individual.

General Adaption Syndrome (GAS) | What is GAS

The pattern of nonspecific adaptation physiological mechanisms that occur in response to a continuing threat by almost any serious stressor.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder | What is GAD

An anxiety disorder in which an individual feels anxious and worried most of the time for at least six months when not threatened by any specific danger or object.

Generativity | What is Generativity

A commitment beyond one's self and one's partner to family, work, society, and future generations; typically, a crucial step in development in one's 30s and 40s.

Genes | What are Genes

The biological units of heredity; discrete sections of chromosomes responsible for transmission of traits.

Genetics | What is Genetics

The study of the inheritance of physical and psychological traits from ancestors.

Genocide | what is Genocide

The systematic destruction of one group of people, often ethnic or racial group, by another.

Genotype | What is Genotype

The genetic structure an organism inherits from its parents.

Gestalt Psychology | What is Gestalt Psychology

A school of thought of psychology that maintains that psychological phenomena can be understood only when viewed as organized, structured wholes, not when broken down into primitive perceptual elements.

Gestalt Therapy | What do Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt Therapy that focuses on ways to unite mind and body to make a person whole.

Glia | What is Glia

The cells that hold neurons together and facilitate neural transmission, remove damaged and dead neurons, and prevent poisonous substances the blood from reaching the brain.

Goal-directed Selection | What is Goal-directed Selection

A determinant of why people select some parts of sensory input for further processing; it reflects the choices made as a function of one's own goals.


The backdrop or background areas of the visual field, against which figures stand out.

Group Dynamics | What are Group dynamics

The study of how group processes change individual functioning.

Group Polarization | What is Group Polarization

The tendency for groups to make decisions that are more extreme than the decisions that would be made by the members acting alone.

Group-think | What is Group-think

The tendency of a decision-making group to filter out undesirable input so that a consensus may be reached, especially if it is in line with the leader's viewpoint.

Guided Search

In visual perception, a parallel search of the environment for single, basic attributes that guides attention to likely locations of objects with more complex combinations of attributes.


Hallucinations | What are Hallucinations

False perceptions that occur in the absence of objective stimulation.


A general condition of soundness and vigor of body and mind, not simply the absence of illness or injury.

Health Promotion | What is Health Promotion

The development and implementation of general strategies and specific tactics to eliminate or reduce the risk that people will become ill.

Health Psychology | What is Health PsychologyField

The field of psychology devoted to understanding the ways people stay healthy, the reasons they become ill, and the ways they respond when they become ill.

Heredity | What is Heredity

The biological transmission of traits from parents to offspring.

Heritability Estimate | How Heritability Estimate | What is Heritability Estimate

A statistical estimate of the degree of inheritance of a given trait or behavior, assessed by the degree of similarity between individuals who vary in their extent of genetic similarity.

Heuristics | What is Heuristics

Cognitive strategies, or "rules of thumb," often used as shortcuts in solving a complex inferential task.

Hierarchy of Needs| Who write Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's view that basic human motives form a hierarchy and that the needs at each level of the hierarchy must satisfied before the next level can be achieved; these needs progress from basic biological needs to the need for transcendence.


The part of the limbic system that is involved in the acquisition of explicit memory.

HIV | What is HIV Aids

Human Immunodeficiency Virus, a virus that attacks white blood cells (T lymphocytes) in human blood, thereby weakening the functioning of immune system; HIV causes AIDS.


Constancy or equilibrium of the internal conditions of the body is called homeostasis.

Horizontal Cells | What do Horizontal Cells

The cells that integrate information across the retina; rather than sending signals toward the brain, horizontal cells connect receptors to each other.

Hormones | What are Harmones

The chemical messengers, manufactured and secreted by the endocrine glands, that regulate metabolism and influence body growth, mood, and sexual characteristics.

Hozho | What is Hozho

A Navajo concept referring to harmony, peace of mind, goodness, ideal family relationships, beauty in arts and crafts, and health of body and spirit.

Hue | What is Hue

The dimension of color space that captures the qualitative experience of the color of light is called hue.

Human Behavior Genetics | What is Human Behavior Genetics

The area of study that evaluates the genetic component of individual differences in behaviors and traits.

Human Potential Movement

The therapy movement that encompasses all those practices methods that release the potential of the average human being for greater levels of performance and greater the richness of experience.

Humanistic Perspective | What is Humanistic Perspective Model

A psychological model that emphasizes an individual's phenomenal world and inherent capacity for making rational choices and developing to maximum potential.

Hypnosis | What is Hypnosis

An altered state of awareness characterized by relaxation, susceptibility to suggestions and changes in perception, memory, motivation, and self-control.


The degree to which an individual is responsive to standardized hypnotic suggestion.

Hypothalamus | What is Hypothalamus | What do Hypothalamus

The brain structure that regulates motivated behavior (such as eating and drinking) and homeostasis.

Hypothesis | What is Hypothesis

A tentative and testable explanation of the relationship between two (or more) events or variables; often stated as a prediction that a certain outcome will a result of specific conditions.


Terms of Psychology are discussed in the above article stars with G and H for [100%] Success in Competitive Exams for Higher Posts in Government Departments.

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